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Party Bag Fillers

At All About Party Bags, we offer all our fillers for individual purchase. You can effortlessly design your own party bags using a variety of fillers available in our online store. Explore our collection of party bag fillers, featuring items that cater to various ages, budgets, and themes. If you are looking for things to put into your  party bags, you’ve come to the right place!

We offer only those party bag fillers that we know are current and popular with children. Gift ideas for party bags come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles. On our website, you will discover everything you need to help you create your own distinctive and bespoke party bags. No matter what the theme or type of celebration you are planning, we have an excellent selection of items for you to choose from.

Our party bag fillers begin at just 5p. Among our most popular selections are games, toys, stickers, tattoos, sweets, and bubbles. The items available are not solely for party bags; they also serve wonderfully prizes for games, treats and standalone gifts. Our products are perfect for party bags of all trending and popular themes, prizes, stocking stuffers, advent calendar surprises, pass-the-parcel layers, and many other creative uses. Let your imagination run wild!

Trending Themes

If you have a specific idea in mind, you’ll discover a wide array of themes and styles to choose from. Our carefully curated collection reflects the latest trends. Utilise our search feature to find party bag fillers and treats that align with your chosen theme. Currently, the most popular party themes for girls include Fairy, Princess and Unicorns while boys appear to be enjoying Dinosaurs & Pirates. For unisex celebrations, we offer popular categories such as Smiley and Emoji, Football, and our newest addition, Jungle. The Superheroes and Supergirl collections are also in high demand as our Eco-Friendly fillers; add some sweets and bubbles to add a personal touch. No matter what type of party you’re planning for your child, our online party supplies store is the perfect destination.

Sending your little guests home with a party bag provides the perfect end to an unforgettable day. It’s a gesture that leaves a lasting impression and ensures your guests carry a piece of the celebration home with them. Packed with delightful surprises, these bags are a token of appreciation for joining in the fun and help to extend the joy of the occasion. Whether filled with toys, treats, or themed goodies, party bags are a wonderful way to wrap up the festivities and make every child feel special. So, as you plan your party, remember that these little take-home treasures are the cherry on top of a day filled with laughter and smiles! 

Pre-Filled Party Bags

If you’re pressed for time, alleviate your stress by choosing one of our pre-filled party bag options. Our ready-made bags feature all the popular themes. Should you wish to include additional items, simply request that they are added to your bags by dropping us a note in the additional information section when you check out. Bubbles and sweets are frequently added to the bags we have curated. Each item in our bags has been thoughtfully chosen by our team, ensuring they will be a hit. We can handle the packing for you, saving you valuable planning time – we’ll take care of everything! Our broad and varied selection reflects current trends, so you’ll find everything you need in our online party supplies store.

Party favours can be distributed during your event to keep children entertained, consider activity sticker books and puzzles, or handed out at the end to take home.

In the end, they provide guests with a memorable keepsake of the day and the fun they experienced at the party. From our experience, any celebration that leaves a lasting impression is truly a success.

Ultimately, they offer guests a cherished memento of the day and the enjoyment they had at the celebration. Based on our experience, any event that creates a lasting impression is undoubtedly a success.

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